Monday, September 13, 2010


I don't want to live on this planet anymore
Ok, so I know I'm being a complete hypocrite by saying this but I completely HATE "vloggers". It doesn't bother me that their videos are embarrassingly hard for me to watch, or that their thumbnails clutter my youtube homepage, or that the top dogs make hundreds of thousands of dollars by making generically silly comments about Snookie and commentary on funny cat videos that we've all scene 100 times already.  More power to 'em, that's what we're trying to get done here right? $$$ for doing close to jack shit. Maybe their celebrity status raises an envious brow, but that's not what this rant is about. What's bothering me is that popular vloggers are being classified as entertainers by the entertainment industry, one guy is getting a TV pilot because he plays characters that don't even reach the same comedic caliber of a bad Mad TV skit or those "from the makers of scary movie 3" spoof movies. This is what worries me, because TV networks are drooling over the potential green that could be made from the "Justin Beiber" 11-16 year old female demographic that religiously subscribe to these channels. Soon enough we'll start seeing the THE PHILIP DEFRANCO BIOPIC COMING THIS SUMMER or RAY WILLIAM JOHNSON COMMENTS ON CLIPS FROM OTHER MOVIES FOR 2 HOURS WHILE HE'S IN A MOVIE. And then that's it. POOF! That will be the end of entertainment integrity. When this preteen Twitter demographic hits adulthood, the artistry of Christopher Nolan's INCEPTION or Tarantino's INGLORIOUS BASTARDS would be considered as drab and outdated because it's longer that 6 minutes, and there are no dancing cats, and the characters use complete sentences. 

My point is that it used to actually take some effort to entertain the masses, you needed more than a video camera and a generic overplayed opinion to get studio or network recognition. Our standards are rapidly dropping therefore our entertainment value is as well. I'll have nothing left if they take my TV and movies away from me, I'd have to start reading books, OH GOD What a tragedy that would be!

So if you actually read this, tell me what you think. I'm I totally off the ship? I'm I just too lame and bitter to see what's hip these day? Or am I on to something here? Do you think the virus in viral videos are spreading to the rest of the entertainment mediums? Is that a bad thing if it is? 

Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


  1. Very nice!


  2. nice blog !
    i like your post
    following you bro ;)

  3. This post makes me want to shove baby carrots in my ass...In a good way...

  4. steve is controlled by a robot no way in hell am i gonna trust a robot.

  5. I like you. Following and supporting :)

  6. showing some SERIOUS love so get me back friend

  7. the sad part is even if you had to resource to reading a book, most of the books released now already have movies being made about them! before the movie has even come out yet!!!! lame

  8. Seriously, I know what you mean.

    Fuck dude.

  9. I've been as far as to decided to use even go want to do look more like.

  10. I am error

    check it

  11. nice one man, keep up the good work, returnin'

  12. In this day and age, the availability of video cameras have become widespread. Everyone and their mom can make a vid (same with music.) We are going to see an explosion of mediocre material. Hopefully the odds will play out and find genius somewhere out there.

  13. I agree. Circle gets the square.

  14. Seconded on everything you said. It's quite a sad evolution, let's hope it doesn't get any worse

  15. hmm... I don't know what to think about this

  16. The ending to that blew myjustlosthegame mind
    showin teh daily support!

  17. Part of the allure of Vloggers is that their videos can be watched at anytime, that, and they usually update fairly regularly (daily in most cases). If they moved to T.V., both of those would be lost.

  18. Yeah I hate vloggers. Bloggers used to annoy me, but this has opened my eyes a little. I vaguely remember the writers strike a few years back and reality TV infested EVERY FRICKIN CHANNEL for MONTHS. Burned out. Still can't watch BB, Kardashian (bleh), etc. without feeling physically ill. I can't watch everyday people get paid to act like idiots. I have more respect for myself than that.

  19. yeah but cmon a cat video is always funny:))

  20. Nice. He will be missed. And you were correct. Currently I'm kinda single. More of an it's complicated type situation. :D

  21. love to mah bro

    check this too to find new interesting blogs to luv daily

  22. I completely agree, it's all part of the "dumbing down of media". Entertainment is becoming more and more stupid and people are just lapping it up.

  23. Very nice post, thumbs up!
    Showing some more supp

  24. It is sad. I find some actually entertaining, others not so much (nicely)
    Supportin daily

  25. I think there will always be a place for well-thought out and planned entertainment. Sure, youtube is popular because teens like to kill time after school but in the long run I don't think it's going to take over the entertainment industry or anything.

    anyway just showing some love :)

  26. Supporting!

  27. First off: right when your page loaded, all I saw was a picture of Hawking and "R.I.P.". ...fucked my head brah. But ultimately I agree, entertainment needs to be given opportunity based on merit and quality, not the ravings of an obsessive, yet small, target demographic.

  28. so true bro!
    supportin daily.
