Thursday, September 16, 2010


 The first thing you should realize before reading this is that the only thing you know for certain is that you don't know anything for certain.

In reference to science, the theology and philosophy behind most faiths suggest that science is either a tool of God or a tool of the Devil. It's said when science disproves spirituality it's because the devil gave man science in order to do that. One of my favorite movie quotes is "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist." Let's assume there are higher spiritual powers at work. We would be like animals to them. It's like a dog trying to understand a movie plot. A dog thinks a vacuum is evil, my when we see a demon, it's just God doing his laundry? But seriously what does that say about our understanding of spiritual beings would be. By making this claim, we have to assume that our human logic would not even compare to follow theirs. Throw out the bible or any other holy books written by man, I'm talking about the general concept of spirituality.

I've known people that believe with every fiber of their being that they've seen an angel or a demon, even if it was for a split second. Now of course I tell them that science has proven that the mind is very capable of pulling tricks and hallucinations on you. When I was 5, I thought shadows on my wall formed faces, I know now that it was just my imagination. Here's in lies the issue of uncertainty. It's just as possible for science to be a facet of spiritual deception than it is for faith to be a product of psychological delusion.

If you're able to keep an open mind, you have to consider that both can discredit one another. But, that doesn't change that fact that I think belief in demons, ghosts, angles, and gods is a HUGE delusion. But I don't rule out the fact maybe I'm the one disillusioned.

Have you ever experienced anything spiritual or super natural? Are you 100% certain it was what you think you saw?


  1. cool!supportin bro :)

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  2. i did, but i know it was fake or coincidence

  3. No. But I still believe in God. :(

  4. I used to think about this stuff a lot, but then I realised it really doesn't matter to me whether there is a higher power or not, or whether angels/ghosts/whatever exist.

  5. I don't believe in God so I don't really mind too much what other people think, I have my own set of beliefs.

  6. I honestly don't know if I should or should not believe in a God, or anything else supernatural for that matter.
    For, if He does indeed exist, then why do these disasters happen? Why are there child-rapists and -murderers? "Because it is a test by Him to see if you can stay faithful"? Bullshit. On the other hand, what will happen when you die then? Will you be judged by Him, and then sent to Hell or Heaven accordingly? I don't know.
    I guess I'll figure it out when I get there.

  7. good job, your blog has a strong following

  8. No I'm not sure I hope God loves me I love Him.
    I will follow for more spiritual advice. Thanks

  9. Nothing is true, Everything is permitted!

  10. havent experienced this.. pretty interesting to think about

  11. You're right, I've had some unexplainable things happen around me or to me but then again it can probably be explained somehow.

  12. Thank you for the kind comments on my blog :)

  13. Great post.
    I personally have experience spiritual happenings and believe them as a matter of fact, however much like everything in ones life may be swayed by new data or new happenings.

    You are correct, you just can't rule out anything. Indeed a paradox of the sorts.

  14. "But I don't rule out the fact maybe I'm the one disillusioned."

    Self awareness is something I also consider.

  15. "It's just as possible for science to be a facet of spiritual deception than it is for faith to be a product of psychological delusion."

    The chances of that are...very close to zero. Showing my nightly support, comrade.

  16. Weird things happen all the time, but it doesn't mean they are miracles. Like magnets.

  17. agnosticism the belief that... aw fuck it! i can't decide!

  18. yeah i call Religion BuLL

  19. I've seen a fully materialized Extraterrestrial Spacecraft land in the same field I was in. That's pretty much all the proof I need that we know absolutely FUCK ALL of the way of the world. Our science is infantile. I will never trust it again.

  20. I beliefs are my own, and my own only. "God" is my father. If I don't live up to him, I've failed. In life, in any given situation, there is generally a "right" and a "wrong" thing that can be done, and, if represented on a timeline, you will be moved up or down, respectively, depending on which actions you chose. When we die, it's not a matter of how high or low we are on the "right/wrong" meter, but the direction we were going the moment we die. If we are dragged through life, misled into a destructive career, giving nothing but torment to the world, you would go to "hell", or be a negative factor in the afterlife. However if just before you die, you take in your life as whole and realize the path you've taken, and you understand that it was a "wrong" one, and you see the light, then you will be a positive, but weak factor in the afterlife. You could consider each pole "right/wrong" to have magnetic like effects, where you may be influenced, targeted, projected, forced, or inhabited by either direction, but which ever side you come back to as "home" depends on what side your mind is actually apart of.

    I think the bible had a lot of analogies that people haven't caught onto yet.

  21. Awesome!!!

    Follow and support u!

  22. Showing my DAILY support and I REALLY need yours aswell!!

  23. I believe in ghosts, but not in god, lol. Been to Bachelors grove cemetery and seen some unexplainable shit

  24. i believe in a higher power but i also believe everything is connected :) im very spiritual

  25. I've never experienced anything super natural, but while at Ayers Rock in the Outback I felt a kind of spiritual connection. And I kissed it

  26. Hmmm! Interesting!


  27. Horatio:
    O day and night, but this is wondrous strange!

    And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.
    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

    Great post.
